JBi Digital

Leading digital agency, JBi Digital, work with us to find solutions for their individual client needs.

Business background

JBi Digital is a leading digital agency focusing on web design, development and digital marketing.  As an integrated team, they have worked with a wide range of domestic and international brands ranging from ITV and Channel 4, to William Hill and Rolls Royce.  As well as design and development, JBi Digital offer continuous support and management for its clients to deliver maximum service performance and availability.


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The challenge

JBi Digital regularly need flexible, high-performance hosting solutions as the foundation for their digital campaigns and services. Their clients require a combination of competitive pricing, performance, availability and security.

To fill this need, JBi Digital wanted a strategic hosting partner with whom they could build an effective, long-term partnership.  This was vital for the development, implementation and live stages of client campaigns, as was the need to ensure support and service would be delivered to the highest possible standards.

“Our clients often require us to develop high-performance digital services, assets and campaigns where hosting is a vital piece of the jigsaw,” explained Raj Bawa, Operations Director at JBi Digital.  “To achieve that we need a really strong partner, and while we understand hosting, to do it to the highest standards needs very specific experience and expertise, so it’s not a capability we can develop in-house.”

“Our clients also need us to be flexible.  Some have a very clear focus on project budget, while for others the absolute top priority is security. It is essential that we can balance these needs, and our hosting partner needs to mirror our approach and level of flexibility.  It’s not easy to find a specialist hosting business with all these capabilities.”

The solution

In 2016, having considered a range of options and providers, JBi Digital turned to Hyve as its hosting partner.  JBi work with Hyve to identify the right hosting solution for each of their clients – there is no ‘one size fits all’, and every hosting package is designed as a bespoke solution.

“Hyve are experts in their field, a successful growing business with an approach which places service at the heart of their capabilities,” said Bawa.  “This gives us tremendous confidence that we can exceed the needs of our clients and deliver digital projects on time, on budget and with the performance they require,” said Bawa.


The benefits

Hyve and JBi Digital work together to deliver digital innovation for JBi’s clients, and by working with Hyve, hosting has now become one of the cornerstones of JBI’s services.

“For many of the other digital agencies we see or compete with, hosting is a challenge, a technical overhead and sometimes a point of failure” said Bawa.  “Our partnership with Hyve takes away the hosting headache, which means we can do the same for our clients.”

JBi Digital also values the levels of rapid response support delivered by Hyve’s dedicated account managers.  “We have specific people on the Hyve team who we know well, and who we can call if we need advice or help,” explained Bawa.  “That’s a very different landscape from many other providers who base their entire support structure behind a ticketing system where you might never speak to the same person twice. It’s really important to us.”
