Stickley on Security

Stickley on Security

Migrating Stickley on Security’s infrastructure to a bespoke resource pool running on our Enterprise Cloud platform.


Stickley on Security provides cybersecurity education and testing solutions. Their solutions are often integrated directly into financial institutions’ websites, to provide end user cybersecurity awareness. 

They aim to provide meaningful education and awareness solutions, ensuring that participants not only learn about cybersecurity risks, but that they can apply what they learn into their everyday lives and jobs.


The challenge

Due to unforeseen issues with their previous provider, Stickley on Security were under time pressure to migrate their entire cloud-based environment in less than two weeks. They were seeking a provider with a strong reputation in the VMware hosting space, who could deliver a dependable solution, both in the short term and for the future. 

To support the online, secure nature of Stickley on Security’s services, they needed a robust hosting solution with redundancies in place to ensure continual uptime. Similarly, they needed a provider who met their high security standards, protecting their infrastructure so that they can protect their customers. 

As a growing business, they also needed a provider and solution able to scale with their growing needs. 


The solution

We designed a bespoke platform to meet their specific requirements, creating a resource pool that runs on top of our Enterprise Cloud platform. The VMware-based platform is highly available and reliable, with industry-leading network performance and powerful underlying hardware. 

Stickley on Security receives a set amount of resources (CPU, RAM and disk space) provided by our underlying infrastructure, and they can manage the allocation of those resources through a web portal.

This allows them to spin up and decommission virtual machines (VMs) as and when needed, and adjust resources of their VMs on the fly, providing them with truly flexible scalability. To support their security requirements, they can also easily make adjustments to their platform-level firewall.

Having a dedicated resource pool gives a business more freedom and control over their resources, with peace of mind over the health and maintenance of the underlying infrastructure.

With speed a top priority, we planned and executed a rapid timeline, migrating their entire workload within a week, ahead of schedule.


Hear from Stickley on Security


“Hyve met every one of our needs. Our goal was to move our entire cloud-based environment in less than 2 weeks, due to some unforeseen issues with our existing hosting provider. 

Not only were they confident they would be able to support that aggressive timeline, they actually delivered early. In one week our entire solution had been converted to their environment, a new NAS had been created and numerous other devices had been installed and configured. We literally finished the entire migration early and had several days left over to allow for additional testing.

When we were setting up the environment, their support staff were incredibly responsive and very knowledgeable. In every case we had a response within minutes. Since going live, our environment has been 100% stable, faster than expected and we have simply not had any issues. There is literally nothing more you can ask for.”

Jim Stickley, CEO of Stickley on Security

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