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Compliance und Zertifizierungen

Hyve Managed Hosting zeigt großes Engagement bei der Sicherheitszertifizierung

Einhaltung von Compliance-Standards

When making a list of possible providers for your next cloud hosting project, it is important to check their compliance and certifications.

Hyve has achieved third-party audited certifications in all areas of information security, including PCI DSS, ISO and Cyber ​​Essentials. This comprehensive commitment to security and standards demonstrates that your business-critical data is always safe and secure on the Hyve infrastructure, giving your business added peace of mind.

We are also VMware Cloud certified, giving you the confidence that we offer you the best VMware Cloud technology.


[18 March][Monday][Graphic] Berlin Press release launch_

Unsere Zertifikate und Qualifikationen

Hyve verpflichtet sich, ein sehr hohes Niveau an Informationssicherheit kontinuierlich zu halten. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, sind wir nach ISO 27001 (Informationssicherheit), ISO 27017 (Cloud-Sicherheit) und ISO 9001 (Qualitätsmanagement) akkreditiert, PCI-konform und seit 2013 Teil des G-Cloud-Frameworks der britischen Regierung.


ISO 27001

ISO 27001

The international standard defines Hyve’s information security management. Hyve was recently accredited for another 3 years.

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The international standard specifies the requirements for a quality management system (QMS).

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ISO 27017:2015

ISO 27017:2015

The security standard was developed for providers and users of cloud services to create a more secure cloud environment and reduce the risk of security incidents.

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This security standard ensures that companies that accept credit card data operate a secure IT environment to minimize the risk of fraud.

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SOC 2 Typ I- und Typ II

SOC 2 Typ I- und Typ II

The standard refers to operational and compliance controls of a service provider.

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The Network and Information Security Directive provides for legal measures to increase the level of security (both cybersecurity and protection against hardware failures) of network and information systems.


Cyber Essentials

Cyber Essentials

A UK government-backed programme that helps protect against the most common cyber threats.

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Cyber Essentials Plus

Cyber Essentials Plus

The Cyber ​​Essentials qualification, but with additional technical verification and verification through audits to ensure that cyber security systems are subject to more rigorous scrutiny.

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