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Docker Hosting

Verlässliche Verteilung Ihrer Container

Beschleunigen Sie Ihre Infrastruktur mit unserem leistungsstarken und sicheren Docker-Hosting
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Docker-Hosting durch Cloud-Experten

Do you use Docker to containerize your applications and workloads? Optimize your Docker platform by having experts manage your infrastructure. We offer several solutions that ensure that data, applications and operating systems are replicated to a securely managed cloud environment. You can rest assured that your Docker containers are hosted in secure and compliant data centers and that our engineers are available to help you 24/7/365.

We can also deploy your containers with Kubernetes  or run both on your managed Azure platform .

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Direkter Support

We offer you tireless support from highly qualified server engineers. They familiarize themselves with your business and platform, which enables fast and effective solutions at the right time for you.

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High Availability

All of our container solutions include built-in high availability. By eliminating single points of failure, we ensure that your applications run continuously, reducing the risk of downtime.

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Run your Docker containers on our powerful load balancing infrastructure, operated and monitored by our experts.

Die Vorteile des Container-Hostings mit Hyve

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Ausfallsichere Stromversorgung und Kühlung

Our data centers all offer multiple levels of power and cooling redundancy, from a minimum of N+1 up to N+N. Power is supplied from various national grids, with on-site generators available to step in when needed, ensuring no interruption.

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Datenmigration leicht gemacht

We offer to migrate your Docker containers during off-hours or whenever you have the least traffic, so live sites and applications take priority.


Leicht skalieren

Scale your resources on demand during peak times with our high-performance cloud infrastructure. Our approach allows you to use Kubernetes to scale your containers as needed, while we maintain your infrastructure in the background.

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Sicherheit und Compliance

Our dedicated Docker hosting solutions meet relevant compliance guidelines, including ISO 27001:2017, Cyber ​​Essentials Plus and PCI DSS, ensuring a secure Docker environment.



Our engineers regularly monitor applications and Docker clusters, giving you the confidence that your systems are secure and alerts are resolved.



Stay in control of your costs as you scale your Docker workloads with our predictable, fixed billing model.

Einleitung zu Containern

  • What are containers?
  • Why are containers useful?
  • What is the difference between containers and virtual machines?

Find answers to these and other questions in this introduction to containers with a focus on Docker and Kubernetes:

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Häufig gestellte Fragen

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Unsere Cloud-Hosting-Lösungen mit Managed Service

Mehr zur Private Cloud
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Private Cloud

Erreichen Sie maximale Leistung in einer kontrollierbare, maßgeschneiderten Cloud-Umgebung.

Mehr zu Dedicated Servern
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Dedicated Server

Behalten Sie die volle Kontrolle über Ihre Daten mit unseren hochsicheren Dedicated Servern.

mehr zur Enterprise Cloud
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Enterprise Cloud

Profitieren Sie von der einfachen Skalierbarkeit und Kosteneinsparungen unserer Enterprise-Cloud-Lösung.

Mehr zur Colocation
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Erreichen Sie höhere Brandbreitern und geringe Latenzzeiten im Vergleich zum internen Hosting der eigenen Infrastruktur.


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