Cloud adoption: 4 easy steps

Planning for the future

Hyve Managed Hosting

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Cloud adoption is increasing rapidly, with cloud-specific spending expected to grow at more than six times the rate of general IT spending in 2020Whilst many organizations have successfully implemented cloud adoption strategies, others are struggling to get the full value of the cloud. 

We have put together some simple steps for cloud adoption that identify the issues that prospective customers may have with their current IT infrastructure, and well as suggesting project plans for secure, cost-effective solutions.

Below, we’ve outlined 4 easy steps to assist you with your cloud adoption strategy:

1. Assess

Before migrating to the cloud, you need to look at your existing platforms and solutions. Not all applications can run or move seamlessly to the cloud, so this must be taken into consideration. If some applications require dedicated servers, this will affect your cloud model. 

The next step is to assess the opportunities and challenges of utilizing a cloud model. By addressing business goals and analysing the impact of moving to the cloud, a clear project plan can be put together. Defining your business requirements and potential growth is essential when migrating to the cloud, as this will directly impact the cloud platform.

Carry out a gap analysis to identify existing problems and any extra services that could increase business profitability. Migrating to the cloud is an opportunity to rectify any existing problems with the IT architecture.

Spend time researching different cloud hosting companies to find the one that suits your requirements. Be sure to check company SLAs and determine a budget. If you require 100% uptime, focus on finding a provider that can guarantee this. Consider the management layer you need – do you have an in-house IT department who can manage your cloud for you, or do you need a managed service provider?

2. Plan

Once the research phase is complete, it is time to put together a specific cloud strategy. Businesses can choose from a range of cloud services including Public Cloud, Private Cloud or Hybrid Cloud. At Hyve, our Technical Solutions Architects will help to design a cloud solution that works for you and is tailored specifically to the requirements of your business. We will ensure that you have enough resources, servers and that the solution meets your budget.   

When the cloud platform or solution has been designed, you can begin to think about how to migrate your data from the existing provider to the new one. Depending on the specific resources that you wish to migrate, this process will vary. Actions and internal resources that are required should be mapped out with a time scale as part of a high-level project plan.

One model of migration is referred to as a ‘lift and shift’ operation, where enterprises move their data and applications to the cloud without making any modifications. In other cases, it may be more beneficial to make changes to application code or architecture before migrating it. Without proper planning, cloud migration could negatively affect workload and lead to higher costs, which is why working with a managed cloud hosting provider is so beneficial. 

3. Adopt

Once you have planned your migration and your cloud has been built, you are ready to start deploying your data and applications. Having a cloud hosting provider that can be contacted in case of a problem or when an upgrade is needed is vital during the migration and deployment stages. 

Having a high-level project plan for the migration will be really useful when the new solution is delivered. Migration may be done in stages, depending on how the Architect has planned the move to the new provider. A testing plan should also be in place once the migration is complete to ensure that all sites and applications are working correctly.

Hyve has a rapid and responsive technical team, which means that customers are fully supported throughout the migration and delivery processes. Customers can raise tickets via the MyHyve portal, setting priority requirements. Customers can also contact Hyve via phone and you will be put straight through to an engineer who will have worked on the entire migration process with you.

4. Optimise

Regularly assess your cloud platform to ensure that it is working for your business – your cloud must be able to scale with the demands of the company. Continue to learn about the cloud, identify features that work, and features that could be improved. Ensure all software is patched and kept up to date, and invest in new features as they are released.  

Managed providers will be able to suggest any amendments or performance tuning to improve the platform. If any additional services are added, the platform may even need to be re-architected to ensure that the server is working to its full capacity. 

If you would like to discuss moving to the cloud or how to improve your cloud infrastructure, contact our sales team today on 0800 612 2524. 

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