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Consumer Tolerance to IT Downtime

Research suggests UK shoppers will overlook existing brand loyalties.

Research suggests UK shoppers will overlook existing brand loyalties – jumping ship to a competitor – if their preferred retailer’s website experiences even a minute of downtime.To understand consumer tolerance to IT downtime in 2022, we conducted a survey (in partnership with leading research provider Censuswide) of 1,000 UK consumers.

In this report:

  • 1/3 of UK consumers would move to a competitors’ website after less than 30 seconds, if their go-to brand suffered an outage
  • 38% of UK consumers have been unable to access a company’s website in the past 12 months
  • Over 1/5 of UK consumers reported being unable to access a website to buy a newly launched product or service in the past 12 months
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Download the report to learn more!
